Zamu rangu ndiro rinondipa chibhanzi


Kungoguma nezamu murume chete hapachina zvaanoita

MUKADZI wechidiki anova chizvarwa chemuno asi achigara kuSouth Africa afunga kuburitsa zvakavandika zvinomuita kuti apfume — izamu rake rekurudyi.

Anoti ane dumwa rinofema iro raakanotora kun’anga yekuLesotho, iro rinoita kuti ashandise zamu rake kutorera varume mari nehumwe upfumi.

Zvichibva muzamu rake iri, mukadzi uyu anoti akwanisa kuita mari, makombi, mota dzake nekuvakira vabereki vake imba pahumwe upfumi hwaaita.

Kuti achitaura zvakavandika izvi, mukadzi akanyatsosvika uyu ari kuti haachazvida sezvo mhiko dzacho dziri dzekuti haafanirwe kuita mwana, kuroorwa kana kurara nevarume.

Chioniso (37) — uyo ari kukumbirisa kuti tisamutaure nezita rake rizere nekuti anotyira kuti nyaya ino inogona kukanganisa mamwe emabasa ake amusimudzira kusvika paari — anoti ane dumwa rinoshandisa zamu rake rekurudyi kutsvaga mari.

“Kana ndakuda hauna kwaunoenda nako, zvinotoita bedzi. Pasina zvekuti unoriyamwa, ndikangokuguma bedzi nezamu rangu reku‘right’, zvatopera. Unotoita zvandinoda, pasina kana kupikisa,” anodaro Chioniso.

Anoti akasvika pane varume vane mari, anonzwa nekuvava nezamu iri richipfura uye akasvika pane wacho ane mari yakawanda, rinomira kuti twi rowedzera kupfura.

“Zamu rangu iri — achiriratidza kuKwayedza — ndimapfumise. Ndikangonzwa rave kuvava ndasvika pavarume, ndotoziva kuti pane ane mari yakawanda inotangira pa$1 000 zvichikwira.

“Mhiko dzangu ndedzekuti ndinofanirwa kuguma murume uyu nezamu iri, riri mukati mehembe — zviya zvekuita sendinomanikidzana nemurume uyu mungava mumutsetse muchitoro kana pai. Ndikangodaro chete, unoona murume ava kutadza kugadzikana, ongonekaira achida kutaura neni achingonyemwerera.

“Ndikabuda mungava muchitoro, anosiya kana girosari rake raanga achida kutenga achinditevera ndokandwa shoko rerudo ini ndobvuma. Ndipo paaperera.”

Chioniso anoti mushure mezvo, dzimwe nguva vanozoenda kunzvimbo dzekutandarira, murume achida zvebonde naye apo anoti zamu rekurudyi iri rinomukwezva kuti ariyamwe.

“Zvikangodaro bedzi, ndapedza naye. Kungoriyamwa zamu iri, pake papera nekuti ndipo pane simba rangu rekushava rose. Handisi pfambi, asi ndiri mushavi nekuti varume ava handirare navo, vanoshaya nhengo yangu kana kuti panopanduka kuita pemunhu wechirume — kana ruware.

“Pavanondiyamwa zamu iri, vanoita mafuza kana kuti mazungairwa ipapo voita zvose zvandinoda. Vamwe vanondipa makadhi ekubhengi zvose nePIN dzacho voti enda hako unotora mari yaunoda. Vamwe vanondipa makiyi emota, hanzi tora hako, zvawandiitira nezamu rako zvinotyisa. Rinodzungaidza varume misoro zamu iri,” anodaro Chioniso asina kana kunyara.

Anoti murume akayamwa zamu rake rekuruboshwe, hapana zvinoitika uye kashoma kuti varume vayamwe iroro sezvo vachidhonzerwa kune rekurudyi nemhiko dzake.

“Handizive kuti vanoita sei varume ava nekuti vanobva vadhakwa pavanoriyamwa. Vamwe vacho vanotokotsira munyatso wezamu uri mukanwa, kuita sevana vacheche. Ipapo ndipo pavanotaura zvose, vachitenda nekundipa zvavanazvo — zvandinoda ini.

“Semumwe muzvinabhizimisi, akandipa kombi akapfumbirwa nezamu. Ndiyo imwe yemakombi angu mashanu ari pa‘road’ kutaura kuno.”

Chioniso anoti akavakira vabereki vake imba muHarare uye ane motokari yaakapawo mukoma wake.

Anoti dumwa iri akaritora achitsvaga kupfuma asi zvava kumupandukira.

“Ndakanzi uchaita mari yakawanda zvikuru ndokupihwa kadhori kanofema ako kandinogarisa mubhodhi, pakati pemazamu angu.

“Dambudziko rangu rava pakuti ndava kudawo kuroorwa, ndiite mwana wanguwo. Zvekare, pane zvinhu zvandinotoziva zvinorara neni kubva pandakatora mushonga uyu makore mashanu akadarika,” anodaro.

Chioniso anoenderera mberi: “Zamu racho rinovava zvakanyanya kana paita murume ane mari inotangira pa$1 000. Pakaitawo yakawanda kudarika iyi, rinowedzera kuvava richipfura.

“Varume ava havakwanise kurara neni, vanoshaya sikarudzi yangu ndaita ruware kana kuti panosanduka kuita nhengo yechirume. Asi zvisinei nekutadza kurara neni, varume ava vanonakirwa nezamu iri kudarika zvose, vodurura mari yose kwandiri ndotozonzwa tsitsi. Vamwe ndinotoramba pane zvavanoda kundipa nekuti ndinoona kuti vanozouraya mhuri dzavo nenzara.”

Anoti mumwe murume akada kumupa flat rake riri muHarare apo iye akazoona kuti ndiko kunogara mhuri yake naiye zvikaita kuti arirambe. “Ndikadzokera kun’anga iyi haichada kutambira zvinhu zvayo ichiti ndakazvitorera chii? Saka ndakauya kuno kuZimbabwe kuzotsvaga kubatsirwa neimwe n’anga. Ndinoda kuti dumwa iri riuraiwe asi ndosara ndiine pfuma yangu — kanawo ikaparara ndawana mhuri hazvina kuipa.”

Mukadzi uyu pari zvino ari kugara kumba kwemukoma wake muHarare, achibatsirwa asati adzokera kuSouth Africa.

“Ndatambura nezvinhu izvi. Asi vabereki vangu vari kuti ndirambe ndinazvo nekuti vari kuwana nduramo kubva mazviri. Ini handichada. Ngatishandei nemawoko edu kwete nemishonga,” anodaro.

Vachitaura mushure mekubvunzwa nezvenyaya iyi, n’anga yemuHarare, Sekuru Kamwelo Banda vanoti mukadzi uyu akapihwa dumwa rakagadzirwa nemishonga yakasanganiswa neropa remunhu akafa.

“Ichi chikwambo, ndicho chinorara naye uye hachidi mumwe munhu ipapo. Mweya wemunhu akafa ane ropa rakasanganiswa nemishonga unoda kudzoserwa kwawakatorwa, chikwambo chacho chourayiwa. Asi mukadzi uyu anosara vasina chinhu nekuti zvikwambo zvinoenda nepfuma yazvo,” vanodaro Sekuru Banda.


Gweru Diocese Catholic Bishop is no more


The Zimbabwean Catholic community was plunged into mourning on Sunday after the shocking death of Bishop Munyongani.Munyongani died at Avenues Clinic in Harare where he was admitted.

He was the fifth Bishop of Diocese of Gweru since it was established in 1955.

-1 January 1955-3 February 1977 Bishop Aloysius Haene

-3 February 1977-25 June1987 Bishop Tobias Chiginya.

-25 October 1988-6 February 2004 Bishop Francis Mugadzi

-11 May 2006-28 April 2012 Bishop Martin Munyanyi.

-14 September 2013-15 October 2017 Xavier Munyongani.

Monsignor Xavier Munyongani was born on 1 January 1950 in Mutero mission in Gutu district in the diocese of Masvingo. His parents Joachim Mudhodhi and Anna were blessed with ten children. Of which Xavier is the eighth child.

After his primary education in the schools in Gutu district, he completed his secondary education in the Gweru diocesan Minor Seminary (1967–1970). Later he joined Chishawasha Major Seminary for his Philosophy and Theology studies (1971-1977). He was ordained apriest for the diocese of Gweru, on 20 August 1977by the then Bishop of Gweru, Rt. Rev. Tobias Chiginya. He obtained a Diploma in Religious studies from the University of Zimbabwe in 1978. In 1986 he was sent to Rome for higher studies and he obtained a Licentiate in  Sacred Liturgy from St. Anselm.

On his return from Rome on completion of his specialization in Sacred Liturgy in 1990 he was appointed Lecturer and Formator at Chishawasha Major Seminary. Since 1998 he held the post of the Vice-Rector of the same Major Seminary. He trained and formed the future priests of Zimbabwe for fourteen years.

In 1999, Gweru diocese was divided to establish Masvingo diocese. Since Msgr. Munyongani’s Gutu district is in the Province of Masvingo, he belonged to the new Masvingo diocese. He has held various pastoral ministries in the dioceses of Gweru and Masvingo. In Gweru diocese, Monsignor Munyongani served as Assistant priest at St. Antony’s mission in Zaka, Parish priest of St. Alois mission and Spiritual Director of St. Paul Brothers in Serima.

In the diocese of Masvingo, Monsignor Munyongani held various other positions such as Promoter of Lay Apostolate and Spiritual Director of St. Joseph Association of Masvingo diocese, Assistant priest in Silveira mission and spiritual director of St. Anne’s Association, Parish priest in Rutenga mission, Diocesan Consultor, Member of Priests’ Council. Member of diocesan Liturgical Council etc.

In 2007, Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference appointed him as Chaplain of the Zimbabwe Catholics in England. In recognition of his exemplary priestly life and meritorious pastoral zeal for the Church in Zimbabwe, Pope Benedict XVI conferred upon Fr. Xavier Munyongani the title of “Monsignor”.

He speaks well his mother tongue Shona, and is fluent in the second major local language Ndebele. In addition, he is gifted in international languages such as English, Italian and German.

Matemadanda attacks Dabengwa,Sibanda


Victor Matemadanda


‘Matemadanda speaks nonsense and is a fraud,’ says Jabulani Sibanda

THE WAR of words between Zanu-PF, Zapu leader Dumiso Dabengwa and former war veterans’ leader Jabulani Sibanda is far from over!

War veterans secretary-general Victor Matemadanda on Tuesday attacked the two accusing them of vilifying the two newly-appointed vice-presidents.

But Dabengwa and Sibanda said Matemadanda a Zanu-PF central committee member is a fraud who spoke nonsense, after attacking the two while addressing war veterans in Zvishavane.

“Topical issues are what we have been hearing from opposition newspapers castigating VP Mphoko; that is Dabengwa and others,” Matemadanda was quoted as saying.

“Some are saying VP Mnangagwa cannot hold this office because he was Security minister.

“They seem not to know that a minister cannot have an individual authority to decide on ministerial issues.” But Dabengwa declined to respond saying he was not Matemadanda’s peer and would not respond to him.

Matemadanda also attacked Sibanda, saying he had misled people when he said they would march to State House to seek audience with Mugabe. He said Sibanda took advantage of civilians’ ignorance and misled them about the march, which he described as blasphemy.

Sibanda like Dabengwa also refused to be drawn into a war of words with Matemadanda.

Uproar over woman stripping Harare touts

Civic society organisations have called on law enforcement authorities to investigate and bring to book those involved in the sexual abuse of a woman at a commuter omnibus terminus in Harare yesterday.
The inhuman sexual abuse and stripping of a woman by suspected touts at a Harare commuter bus rank has drawn the ire of women groups who have called on law enforcement authorities to bring the culprits to book.

The Women’s Coalition in Zimbabwe (WCZ) called for a media conference in Harare where they urged the police to investigate and arrest such perverts as the number of similar cases are increasing.

Legal experts say the case is a classic example which calls for both criminal and civil proceedings which the victim is entitled to pursue.

Manwhile, the Zimbabwe Republic Police is appealing for information, which may lead to the identification of accused persons who molested the young woman whom they stripped and humiliated accusing her of being indecently dressed.

Mugabe named Mnangagwa and Mphoko as his deputies

Emmerson Mnangagwa. (File: AFP)

Emmerson Mnangagwa

Harare – Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe on Wednesday named hardliner Emmerson Mnangagwa as his vice president, putting the former justice minister in pole position to succeed him.

Mugabe announced the appointment at party headquarters to loud applause, days after sacking one-time presidential hopeful turned rival Joice Mujuru as vice president.

Nicknamed “Ngwena” (The Crocodile) because of his ruthlessness, Mnangagwa has held various senior posts in the country’s defence and internal security apparatus.

He is also reputed to one of the richest men in the country.

The 68-year-old played a critical role in Mugabe’s crackdown against opposition supporters that claimed thousands of lives in the 1980s, and became internationally known as “Gukurahundi.”

Mnangagwa also helped Mugabe hold on to power during 2008 elections, which the opposition won in the first round, but which were in the second round boycotted because of widespread intimidation and violence.

On Wednesday 90-year-old Mugabe also named former diplomat Phelekezela Mphoko to the largely symbolic post of second vice president.

“There are two vice-presidents. From the former ZANU we have Emmerson Mnangagwa,” Mugabe said. “We say congratulations to him.”

“From the former ZAPU we have Phelekezela Mphoko.”

The ruling ZANU-PF is an amalgam of two independence struggle parties, but Mugabe’s ZANU faction has long been dominant.

Family secure

The two appointments cap Mugabe’s recent purge of rivals, a bid to end fierce infighting over who will take over from him.

Analysts say Mugabe is increasingly concerned with making sure his family is secure after he steps down or leaves power.

As part of that purge Mugabe on Tuesday announced the sacking of Mujuru and eight ministers.

He said the replacement ministers will be announced soon, “but the vice-presidents are incumbent. These I would like to be sworn-in on Friday at State House.”

Rumours had swirled that Mugabe may seek to appoint his wife Grace to one of the vice presidential posts, a move commentators saw as unlikely given her recent entry into politics.

In recent months she has been used as Mugabe’s attack dog, hitting out at Mujuru and her supporters as plotting to overthrow the president and alleging dodgy business dealings.

Mugabe fires Vice President and eight Ministers

First Lady Grace Mugabe (far right) is using the “pull her down” tactics to annihilate Vice-President Joice Mujuru (left) from Zanu PF and government

It’s official! President Robert Mugabe has fired his deputy Joice Mujuru and eight ministers accused of being behind a plot to topple him from power.

The official list released Tuesday afternoon shows Mugabe has sacked eight ministers all linked to Mujuru.

Those fired include Presidential Affairs minister Didymus Mutasa who was also party secretary for administration, Labour minister Nicholas Goche, Indigenisation minister Francis Nhema, Higher and Tertiary Education minister Olivia Muchena, ICT minister Webster Shamu (Zanu PF political Commissar) and Mahonaland East Provincial Affairs minister Simbaneuta Mudarikwa.

Earlier reports said Mugabe fired Energy minister Dzikamai Mavhaire and his deputy Munacho Mutezo.

Mujuru received her dismissal letter on Monday night after weeks of accusations that she had led a “treacherous cabal” to try to unseat Mugabe.

Mujuru, in a press statement, on Tuesday blamed “a well-orchestrated smear campaign and gross abuse of state apparatus” that led to the loss of her ruling party post and shook Zimbabwean politics.

Mujuru, who once looked likely to succeed long-ruling Mugabe, has been accused of plotting to assassinate the 90-year-old and removed from the ruling ZANU-PF party’s central committee.

She said she was being victimised after exposing infiltrators conspiring to destroy the party, which has ruled the country since independence in 1980.

“I have become the fly in the web of lies whose final objective is the destruction of ZANU-PF and what it stands for and ultimately the present government,” Mujuru said in a statement.

“A vociferous attempt has been made to portray me as ‘a traitor’, ‘murderer’ and ‘sellout’, yet no iota of evidence has been produced to give credence to the allegations.”

ZANU-PF held an elective congress last week which endorsed Mugabe as president and his wife Grace as head of the women’s wing